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한림대학교 의과대학
한림대학교 의과대학원
한림대학교 의과대학원
Ghent Universiry, Belgium, Gender Affirming Surgery Fellow
벨기에 겐트 대학교, 성별확정수술 펠로우
BK 성형외과 원장
더성형외과 원장
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center/ Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
하버드의과대학, BIDMC 병원 성형외과 임상강사
Froedtert Hospital, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
위스콘신대학, Froedtert 병원 미세수술 임상강사
Partners in Plastic Surgery, Dr. Dennis Hammond, Milwaukee, WI
유방/미용재건 임상강사
강동성심병원 성형외과 임상강사
강동성심병원 성형외과 레지던트
서울대학교병원 인턴
벨기에 겐트 대학교, 성별확정수술 펠로우
BK 성형외과 원장
더성형외과 원장
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center/ Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
하버드의과대학, BIDMC 병원 성형외과 임상강사
Froedtert Hospital, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
위스콘신대학, Froedtert 병원 미세수술 임상강사
Partners in Plastic Surgery, Dr. Dennis Hammond, Milwaukee, WI
유방/미용재건 임상강사
강동성심병원 성형외과 임상강사
강동성심병원 성형외과 레지던트
서울대학교병원 인턴
가입학회 및 활동
대한성형외과의사회 상임이사 대외협력팀
유방성형연구회 운영위원
국경없는의사회 (Medecins Sans Frontieres/MSF) Active Resource Pool 회원
미국성형외과의사학회 (American Society of Plastic Surgeons/ASPS) 회원
북동부성형외과의사학회 (Northeastern Society of Plastic Surgeons/NESPS) 회원
대한두경부외과학회 회원
대한미용외과학회 회원
대한두경부암학회 회원
대한성형외과학회 회원
대한성형외과의사회 회원
유방성형연구회 운영위원
국경없는의사회 (Medecins Sans Frontieres/MSF) Active Resource Pool 회원
미국성형외과의사학회 (American Society of Plastic Surgeons/ASPS) 회원
북동부성형외과의사학회 (Northeastern Society of Plastic Surgeons/NESPS) 회원
대한두경부외과학회 회원
대한미용외과학회 회원
대한두경부암학회 회원
대한성형외과학회 회원
대한성형외과의사회 회원
International Scholarship
Outstanding Paper Presentation
대한성형외과학회 재건부문 최우수논문상
대한성형외과학회 임상부문 최우수논문상
한림대학교 의과대학 최우수졸업상
Outstanding Paper Presentation
대한성형외과학회 재건부문 최우수논문상
대한성형외과학회 임상부문 최우수논문상
한림대학교 의과대학 최우수졸업상
1. Dennis C. Hammond, Kuylhee Kim, The Short Scar Periareolar Inferior Pedicle Reduction Mammaplasty: Ma 2016 Apr;43(2):365-72.
2. Koolen PG, Haas D, Kim K, Fox S, Ibrahim AM, Kim P, Kaplan DL, Lin SJ. Increased Osteroid Osteroid Formation in Bone Morphogenic Protein-2(BMP-2) Loaded Silk-Based Screws. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2016 May;137(5):808e-17e.
3. Kim K, Ibrahim AM, Koolen PG, Lin SJ. Highest Impact Articles in Microsurgery. Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery, 2015 Sep;31(7):527-40.
4. Ahmed M.S. Ibrahim, Pieter G.L. Koolen, Kuylhee Kim, Gabe S. Perrone, David L. Kaplan, Samuel J. Lin. Absorbable Biologically Based Internal Fixation, Clinics in Podiatric Medicine and Surgery. Jan 2015, Vol. 32: 61-72
5. Jose RR, Raja WK, Ibrahim AM, Koolen PG, Kim KH, Abdurrob A, Kluge JA, Lin SJ, Kaplan DL, Rapid
prototyped sutureless anastomosis device from self-curing silk bio-ink. J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater. 2014 Nov 11. doi: 10.1002/jbm.b.33312.
6. Kim KH, Ibrahim AM, Koolen PG, Seyidova N, Lin SJ, Analysis of Morbidity and Mortality in Patients
Undergoing Skull Base Reconstruction. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, 2015 Jan;26(1):135-40.
7. Ibrahim AM, Koolen PG, Ashraf AA, Kim K, Mureau MA, Lee BT, Lin SJ, Acellular Dermal Matrix in Reconstructive Breast Surgery: Survey of Current Practice among Plastic Surgeons. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 2015 May 7;3(4):e381.
8. Li Z, Roussakis E, Koolen PG, Ibrahim AM, Kim K, Rose LF, Wu J, Nichols AJ, Baek YJ, Birngruber R, Apiou G,Matyal R, Huang T, Chan R, Lin SJ, Evans LC. Non-invasive Transdermal Two-dimensional Mapping of Skin, Burn, and Graft Oxygenation with a Rapid-Drying Liquid Bandage. Biomedical Optics Express, 2014 Oct 1;5(11):3748-64.
9. Koolen PG, Ibrahim AM, Kim K, Sinno HH, Lee BT, Schneider BE, Jones DB, Lin SJ.Patient selection
optimization following combined abdominal procedures: analysis of 4925 patients undergoing panniculectomy/abdominoplasty with or without concurrent hernia repair.Plast Reconstr Surg. 2014
10. Kim K, Ibrahim AM, Koolen PG, Lin SJ Analysis of the NSQIP Database in 34541 Patients Undergoing
Incisonal/Ventral Hernia Repair: The Association between the Component Separation and Venous
Thromboembolism.. 2014 Oct; 134(4 Suppl 1):141-2.
11. Kim K, Ibrahim AM, Koolen PG, Frankenthaler RA, Lin SJ.Analysis of the NSQIP database in 676 patients undergoing laryngopharyngectomy: the impact of flap reconstruction.Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2014 Jan;150(1):87-94.
12. Kim K, Ibrahim AM, Koolen PG, Lin SJ. Trends in Facial Fracture Treatment Using the American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2014 Mar;133(3):627-38.
13. Ibrahim AM, Shuster M, Koolen PG, Kim K, Taghinia AH, Sinno HH, Lee BT, Lin SJ. Analysis of the NSQIP Database in 19, 100 Patients Undergoing Implant Based Breast Reconstruction: Complication Rates with Acellular Dermal Matrix. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2013 Nov;132(5):1057-66.
14. Kang MJ, Chung CH, Chang YJ, Kim K. Reconstruction of the Lower Extremity using free flaps. Arch Plast Surg 2013 Sep 40(5):575-583
15. You YS, Chung CH, Chang YJ, Kim K, Chung SW, Rho YS. Analysis of 120 Pectoralis Major Flaps for Head and Neck Reconstruction. Arch Plast Surg 2012 Sep 39(5):522-527
16. Shim SH, Jung CH, Kim K. V-Y Latissimus Dorsi Musculocutaneous Flap for Reconstruction of Radiation-induced Skin Injuries on the Back. J Korean Soc Past Reconstr Surg 2011: 38(05): 707-710
17. Kim K, Jung CH, Jang YJ, Rho YS. Reconstruction of Midfacial Defects with Free Flaps after Maxillectomy. J Korean Soc Past Reconstr Surg 2010:37(05) 607-612
18. Kim K, Chung CH, Jang YJ, Lee JW, Rho YS. Two Cases of Auricular Salvage after Wide Excision of
Malignant Tumor at Periauricular Area, Korean J Head Neck Oncol. 2009:25(01) 39-42.
2. Koolen PG, Haas D, Kim K, Fox S, Ibrahim AM, Kim P, Kaplan DL, Lin SJ. Increased Osteroid Osteroid Formation in Bone Morphogenic Protein-2(BMP-2) Loaded Silk-Based Screws. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2016 May;137(5):808e-17e.
3. Kim K, Ibrahim AM, Koolen PG, Lin SJ. Highest Impact Articles in Microsurgery. Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery, 2015 Sep;31(7):527-40.
4. Ahmed M.S. Ibrahim, Pieter G.L. Koolen, Kuylhee Kim, Gabe S. Perrone, David L. Kaplan, Samuel J. Lin. Absorbable Biologically Based Internal Fixation, Clinics in Podiatric Medicine and Surgery. Jan 2015, Vol. 32: 61-72
5. Jose RR, Raja WK, Ibrahim AM, Koolen PG, Kim KH, Abdurrob A, Kluge JA, Lin SJ, Kaplan DL, Rapid
prototyped sutureless anastomosis device from self-curing silk bio-ink. J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater. 2014 Nov 11. doi: 10.1002/jbm.b.33312.
6. Kim KH, Ibrahim AM, Koolen PG, Seyidova N, Lin SJ, Analysis of Morbidity and Mortality in Patients
Undergoing Skull Base Reconstruction. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, 2015 Jan;26(1):135-40.
7. Ibrahim AM, Koolen PG, Ashraf AA, Kim K, Mureau MA, Lee BT, Lin SJ, Acellular Dermal Matrix in Reconstructive Breast Surgery: Survey of Current Practice among Plastic Surgeons. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 2015 May 7;3(4):e381.
8. Li Z, Roussakis E, Koolen PG, Ibrahim AM, Kim K, Rose LF, Wu J, Nichols AJ, Baek YJ, Birngruber R, Apiou G,Matyal R, Huang T, Chan R, Lin SJ, Evans LC. Non-invasive Transdermal Two-dimensional Mapping of Skin, Burn, and Graft Oxygenation with a Rapid-Drying Liquid Bandage. Biomedical Optics Express, 2014 Oct 1;5(11):3748-64.
9. Koolen PG, Ibrahim AM, Kim K, Sinno HH, Lee BT, Schneider BE, Jones DB, Lin SJ.Patient selection
optimization following combined abdominal procedures: analysis of 4925 patients undergoing panniculectomy/abdominoplasty with or without concurrent hernia repair.Plast Reconstr Surg. 2014
10. Kim K, Ibrahim AM, Koolen PG, Lin SJ Analysis of the NSQIP Database in 34541 Patients Undergoing
Incisonal/Ventral Hernia Repair: The Association between the Component Separation and Venous
Thromboembolism.. 2014 Oct; 134(4 Suppl 1):141-2.
11. Kim K, Ibrahim AM, Koolen PG, Frankenthaler RA, Lin SJ.Analysis of the NSQIP database in 676 patients undergoing laryngopharyngectomy: the impact of flap reconstruction.Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2014 Jan;150(1):87-94.
12. Kim K, Ibrahim AM, Koolen PG, Lin SJ. Trends in Facial Fracture Treatment Using the American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2014 Mar;133(3):627-38.
13. Ibrahim AM, Shuster M, Koolen PG, Kim K, Taghinia AH, Sinno HH, Lee BT, Lin SJ. Analysis of the NSQIP Database in 19, 100 Patients Undergoing Implant Based Breast Reconstruction: Complication Rates with Acellular Dermal Matrix. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2013 Nov;132(5):1057-66.
14. Kang MJ, Chung CH, Chang YJ, Kim K. Reconstruction of the Lower Extremity using free flaps. Arch Plast Surg 2013 Sep 40(5):575-583
15. You YS, Chung CH, Chang YJ, Kim K, Chung SW, Rho YS. Analysis of 120 Pectoralis Major Flaps for Head and Neck Reconstruction. Arch Plast Surg 2012 Sep 39(5):522-527
16. Shim SH, Jung CH, Kim K. V-Y Latissimus Dorsi Musculocutaneous Flap for Reconstruction of Radiation-induced Skin Injuries on the Back. J Korean Soc Past Reconstr Surg 2011: 38(05): 707-710
17. Kim K, Jung CH, Jang YJ, Rho YS. Reconstruction of Midfacial Defects with Free Flaps after Maxillectomy. J Korean Soc Past Reconstr Surg 2010:37(05) 607-612
18. Kim K, Chung CH, Jang YJ, Lee JW, Rho YS. Two Cases of Auricular Salvage after Wide Excision of
Malignant Tumor at Periauricular Area, Korean J Head Neck Oncol. 2009:25(01) 39-42.
2022-12-19 “꿈이요? 성확정수술 허브를 태국에서 한국으로 옮기는 것”
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2020-11-26 [PLUS]언니한텐 말해도 돼 - 성형외과 김결희 교수
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2022-06-20 "모두를 위한 공간 될 수 있을까"...의료 사각지대를 비추는 무지개 빛
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2021-03-28 '눈치 보여 병원 못 가고 상비약 삼키며 견딥니다' - 성형외과 김결희 교수
2021-03-12 대형병원에 ‘트랜스젠더 클리닉’…“산부인과에 맘 편히 갈 수 있어요” - 성형외과 김결희 교수
2021-01-21 강동성심병원, 성별적합수술 성공적으로 마쳐 - 성형외과 김결희 교수
2020-11-26 [PLUS]언니한텐 말해도 돼 - 성형외과 김결희 교수
2020-07-01 강동성심병원, 유방·미세재건성형 분야 강화